Cold weather makes you more likely to catch a cold

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Cold weather makes you more likely to catch a cold

Post by shpalman » Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:13 am

Yes, that's why it's called "a cold" and not a "stuck inside with other people with the windows closed".

It's because cold exposure impairs extracellular vesicle swarm–mediated nasal antiviral immunity.

Everyone knew perfectly well that cold weather makes you more likely to catch a cold even if they might have had weird ideas about a cold not being caused by a virus or demanding antibiotics or other stupidity. The whole idea about colds spreading more easily in winter because people are stuck inside with each other always struck me as one of those smartarsed "ahhh I'm going to say the opposite of what you think because I'm clever" b.llsh.t explanations.
having that swing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for it meaning a thing

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