Scam heating products being advertised on youtube, etc

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Stummy Beige
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Scam heating products being advertised on youtube, etc

Post by IvanV » Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:40 am

First cold spell, time for adverts for scam heating products.

Today it is an electrical fan heater that "recycles heat" to heat your room at a fraction of the cost of typical heating systems. Invented by a 14 yr old boy! Powerful people trying to suppress the product! Always good indicators of scams appealing to the kind of people who like conspiracy theories, etc.

Tried reporting a youtube ad for the first time, now that I have found you can do that, and located the very tiny icon that you have to press.

The thing about running misleading ads is that you can do it, and the worst that can happen to you is that you get told not to run that specific ad again. My 90-yr-old uncle, who is actually incredibly fit and compos, was considering putting in electrical storage heaters rather than replace his gas boiler, presumably misled by all these ads that have been running saying how much more wonderful storage heaters are than they used to be.

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