If you think things are bad here...

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Stummy Beige
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If you think things are bad here...

Post by IvanV » Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:03 am

The same issues of high gas prices, high grain prices, post-Covid economic recovery, affect many countries in the world. Many places are rather less well-placed than NW Europe to cope.

I've just been reading a series of articles on various places around the world that seem to make clear that many places you look, things are in an appalling economic pickle just now, with especially terrible consequences for the much poorer people that live in these places than here. Particular examples include Sri Lanka and Sudan, but I don't see their problems would be unusual.

And the result of that is the people get restless. And the frequent outcome of that is increasing authoritarianism to restore order.

The world is not a pretty sight just now.

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