The Invasion of Ukraine

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Stummy Beige
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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by IvanV » Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:10 am

Viktor Orban had a meeting with Trump, and came out saying that Trump will give us "Peace in our time!" for Ukraine, through the excellent and strong tactic of capitulating to all Herr Putin's demands.

Orban pointed out that Trump is an effective man of peace. There was no war in Ukraine or Palestine when Trump was president. When everyone knows how powerfully America will refuse to get involved, everyone will be able to take what is rightfully theirs without any risk of the occupants resisting.

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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by Woodchopper » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:37 am

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said on Sunday that he expects to move a package that includes aid for Ukraine when the House returns from recess and expects the package to include “some important innovations.”

In an interview on “Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy,” Johnson stressed the difficult position he’s in, with a historically narrow House majority, but said that he was working throughout the current work period to come up with a package and plans to put it on the floor when the House gavels back into session.


“But when it comes to the supplemental, we’ve been working to build that consensus. We’ve been talking to all the members especially now over the district work period. When we return after this work period, we’ll be moving a product, but it’s going to, I think, have some important innovations,” Johnson said.

Johnson floated as examples the possibilities of extending a loan to Ukraine – an idea that gained some traction earlier this month, as a way to back Ukraine in a way that might assuage conservative concerns about providing more aid as Ukraine fights against Russian aggression.

Johnson also mentioned the REPO for Ukrainians Act, which would authorize the president to seize Russian sovereign assets frozen in the U.S. and give them to Ukraine to use against Russia.

“The REPO Act, you know, if we can use the seized assets of Russian oligarchs to allow the Ukrainians to fight them, that’s just pure poetry,” Johnson said. “Even President Trump has talked about the loan concept, where … we’re not just giving foreign aid. We’re setting it up in a relationship where they can provide it back to us when the time is right.”
Johnson added that, in an effort to “unleash American energy,” he wants “to have natural gas exports that will help un-fund Vladimir Putin’s war effort there, you know,” he said, adding, “There’s a lot of things that we should do that … make more sense and that I think we’ll have consensus around.” ... novations/

Framing some or all of the aid as a loan rather than a grant wouldn’t be a disaster. A future administration might be able to write it off and if not the EU might be able to pay it.

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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by bolo » Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:22 pm

There's "innovations" and there's "innovations". In particular, there's a risk that it means "stuff the MAGA crowd wants, which will cause it to fail in the Senate". But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by shpalman » Wed May 15, 2024 4:51 pm

IvanV wrote:
Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:38 pm
shpalman wrote:
Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:31 am
Well, Slovakia has taken a step backwards.
It is leaning that way, but not yet definitively taken the step. Fico's party Smer won the largest share of the vote, but that's only 24%, and they need coalition partners. Given the very grubby circumstances of how they were forced out of power in 2018, I would hope they are still seen as sufficiently politically toxic they won't get enough to form a government. The large difference between exit polls and the result suggests, in the kindest interpretation, that many people were embarrassed to admit voting for them.
"Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has been shot a number of times in what officials are calling an assassination attempt

"He is in a life-threatening condition, according to an update on his official social media account"
having that swing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for it meaning a thing

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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by Woodchopper » Thu May 16, 2024 10:59 am

Woodchopper wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:14 am
Wilders’ victory in the Netherlands is potentially bad news. He has previously stated his opposition to sanctions and military aid, and seems to like Putin. The EU and NATO can cope with opposition from Orban, Fico or Erdogan. But if we keep getting more at some point the naysayers will be able to block important things.

We’ll have to see whether Wilders will be part of the government though, so not cause for despair yet.
Latest coalition agreement looks to retain the Netherlands' political, economic and military support for Ukraine.

Stummy Beige
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Re: The Invasion of Ukraine

Post by IvanV » Thu May 16, 2024 11:12 am

shpalman wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 4:51 pm
"Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has been shot a number of times in what officials are calling an assassination attempt

"He is in a life-threatening condition, according to an update on his official social media account"
They are now saying he is likely to survive, after a 5-hour operation.

There are quite a lot of people in Slovakia who would find the non-existence of Fico convenient, as he is a very divisive figure. But the person who has shot him is not from the area of politics I would have guessed.

It is being reported (Wikipedia) that the 71-yr-old security guard, Juraj Cintula, who was arrested on the scene, is a member of various pro-Russian hard right organisations. Fico, although his party Smer is notionally left wing - calling themselves democratic socialists - it is also strongly nationalist and pro-Russian. To me that's rather like a less extreme version of National Socialists, who were notionally socialist but more importantly nationalist, and thus overall seen as hard right. But maybe what Mr Cintula didn't like was that Fico was nowhere near enough extreme for him, even as much more of the country finds him too extreme. But It seems unlikely that shooting him is going to do anything to promote the hard right in Slovak politics, if anything the opposite. It's a bit like the narrative of JFK being shot by a left winger, which I always find a bit odd, or at least counter-productive. Cintula apparently founded a group called the Movement Against Violence, 2016. But maybe he is against violence like Mr Putin is.

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