Vaccine rollout in Italy

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Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:01 pm

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:43 pm

It's being suggested that if the EMA manages to approve the Pfizer vaccine on the 23rd of December that maybe it would be good to not wait three weeks to start vaccinating people.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:26 pm

Large EU states commit to coordinated launch of COVID vaccinations
Germany, France, Italy and five other European states will coordinate the start of their COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, the countries’ health ministers said in a joint statement on Tuesday.

The countries will promote “the coordination of the launch of the vaccination campaigns” and will rapidly share information on how it is proceeding, the statement said, along with other commitments on areas such as transparency.

The statement was released by Italy and also signed by the health ministers of Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

Instead, all news outlets have copied and pasted in this Reuters press release and that's all I find when I try to google this.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:31 pm

Lombardy will vaccinate 304,995 people out of a total of 1,833,975 in Italy (that oddly precise number corresponds to 1881 boxes of 975). Then there'll be a second consignment of 2,507,700 (2572 boxes) to give the second dose to that lot as well as to extend coverage a bit.

The numbers for each region don't seem to correspond to whole boxes though.

Accelerated approval from the EMA (on the 21st) might even mean being able to start on the 27-28 of December. Seems like the whole of the EU wants to have a "vaccine day".

I don't know why, but of all the news websites, seems to have the clearest list of numbers of doses, and then there's another list of slightly larger numbers, which is the numbers of health workers and care home residents, of which Lombardy has 356,824 out of a national total of 1,874,323. But these numbers have been used to decide how to share out the vaccine doses.

There'll be 294 points at which the vaccine will be given, 222 of which will have the ultra-low-temperature fridges; after the 7th of January 289 of them will have ULT fridges.

Italy has been struggling with its 'flu vaccination campaign this winter though.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:10 pm

8 out of 10 Italians are willing to get vaccinated

No, not a new show on an Italian version of Dave (Italy doesn't have a Dave) but based on a survey of 1664 Italians, which is all really.

However, about half of those would rather "wait for better evidence of its efficacy" in a few months as if (a) they're trained virologists able to evaluate the evidence* or (b) vaccinating everyone as soon as possible isn't the best way to see if it works at this stage and (c) you wouldn't actually be obliged to wait a few months anyway unless you're either in a top-priority group or lucky enough to be walking past the door of the lab with the vaccines at the right moment towards the end of the day when the last few doses of an open box have to be used up and/or have relatives involved in the relevant bit of the health service.

So there's 19% who really don't want the vaccine,

* - I mean, even getting a slightly less efficacious vaccine is better than not getting one, unless they're holding out for a better one to come along and don't want to get vaccinated now and therefore miss out on the better one, but the difference in efficacy needs to be balanced against the risk of catching covid while you wait, and that's not a trivial calculation. Also, the Pfizer and Moderna ones are the more effective ones ready now but it's more likely that if you wait you'll eventually get the cheaper and easier-to-handle Oxford/AstraZeneca one (well ok apparently the Moderna one, despite using similar mRNA technology to the Pfizer one, it stable at normal fridge temperatures) which is less effective, if you're in the UK at least. I can't remember if I have a graphic somewhere explaining which vaccines Italy has invested in, but from here** I found the following numbers which I will list here below in the following right after this sentence which is ending now so here they are right here now:

First trimestre of 2021:
8,749,000 doses of Pfizer and 1,346,000 doses of Moderna (in a best-case scenario regarding production). Italy is hoping to vaccinate 1.5 million per month.

Doses by the end of 2021:
Pfizer: 26.92 million;
Moderna: 10.768 million;
AstraZeneca: 40.38 million;
Johnson & Johnson: 26.92 million;
Sanofi: 40.38 million;
CureVac: 30.285 million.

(The numbers for Pfizer and Moderna are in addition to the first-trimestre doses, I think, because the total is supposed to be 202.573 million and these numbers are more than 16 million short of that.)

** - which is a couple of weeks old i.e. has the old date for expected EMA approval of the Pfizer vaccine before it was brought forward to the 21st so that vaccination can start in Europe on the 27th-28th;*** it indicates the 12th of January for the EMA decision on the Moderna one.

*** - Italy will set up primrose-shaped gazebos and is heavy on the Einaudi.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:36 pm

The first doses from Pfizer are expected to arrive in Rome on Christmas day.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:43 pm

10 boxes will be on their way to the Spallanzani hospital in Rome tomorrow, and then on Friday the armed forced will be involved in distributing 9 or fewer of them around Italy in something called "Operation Eos" for a few symbolic vaccinations on the 27th together with the rest of the EU; the first person to be vaccinated in Italy will be a nurse called Claudia Alivernini, followed by a social-health worker, a researcher, and two doctors.

I'm not sure if any of them have names similar to historical figures or if a charmingly stereotypical older gentleman will be able to just ring up and wander in to get vaccinated and then be on the news.

450,000 more doses are supposed to arrive on the 28th to actually get started properly.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:11 pm

The small lorry crossed the Brenner pass earlier this morning with 10 boxes of vaccine. It will now drive all the way to Rome before doses are flown back up to the north of Italy.
20201223_OperazioneEOS_PraticaDiMare1cut.jpg (363.37 KiB) Viewed 8393 times
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:06 pm

At the Ministry of Health's vaccine FAQ page I found a table of the estimated millions of doses of each vaccine which should arrive in Italy:

Code: Select all

Vaccine (Company)	Q1 2021	Q2 2021	Q3 2021	Q4 2021	Q1 2022	Q2 2022	TOTALS
Astra Zeneca		16.155	24.225	-	-	-	-	40.38
Pfizer-BioNtech		8.749	8.076	10.095	-	-	-	26.92
Johnson & Johnson	-	14.806	32.304	6.73	-	-	53.84
Sanofi/GSK		-	-	-	-	20.19	20.19	40.38
CureVac			2.019	5.384	6.73	8.076	8.076	-	30.285
Moderna			1.346	4.711	4.711	-	-	-	10.768
TOTAL			28.269	57.202	53.84	14.806	28.266	20.19	202.573
monthly average		9.421	19.065	17.947	4.935	9.422	6.73
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:51 am

What does the Pfizer protocol say for how often you can take vaccine phials out of the fridge to wave them about in front of photographers?

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:02 pm

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:51 pm

Italy has officially launched its programme of mass vaccination against Covid-19, prioritising healthcare personnel, followed by people aged over 80.
Vincenzo De Luca, the 71-year old governor of the Italian region of Campania, doesn’t fall into either of the two categories but he received a dose of the vaccine today anyway.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:13 pm

Expecting the first weekly consignment of ~470,000 doses at Malpensa tomorrow.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:28 am

shpalman wrote:
Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:13 pm
Expecting the first weekly consignment of ~470,000 doses at Malpensa tomorrow.
Held up in Belgium by the bad weather, apparently.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:42 pm

shpalman wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:28 am
shpalman wrote:
Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:13 pm
Expecting the first weekly consignment of ~470,000 doses at Malpensa tomorrow.
Held up in Belgium by the bad weather, apparently.
I think they arrived at midnight last night.

Meanwhile, EMA approval of the Oxford one won't be before the end of January, what with having to look at the actual data, and maybe decide if the accidental half--full protocol can be approved (which is not approved in the UK as of today's headlines because it's only been tweeted about and not actually published).
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:53 am

Lombardy gets another 94,770 doses to start vaccinating today. (Well, the doses which Lombardy had until now were just a few symbolic ones.)

There should be five deliveries so as to reach a total of 491,400 doses by the end of January, having figured out a way to get six doses out of each phial instead of five. This means a box which contains 195 phials contains a total of 1170 doses, not 975.

So that's 81 boxes yesterday, and the program will be 76 boxes on the 4th of January, 83 boxes on the 11th, 82 boxes on the 18th, and 98 boxes on the 25th.

(Lombardy has about 740,000 over-80 and a further 1 million 70-79)
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:35 pm

Italy has already given about 14,000 Pfizer doses this morning; the plan is to give just under half a million per week during January.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:09 pm

34,246 doses given, almost all of which to health care professionals. I don't know how persistent this link to the Italian covid vaccination dashboard will be.

You can see how many doses each region has received and how many they've managed to administer; you can also who got it, in terms of age ranges or category.

What I can't immediately see is if there's anyway to download the data.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:57 am

shpalman wrote:
Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:09 pm
34,246 doses given, almost all of which to health care professionals. I don't know how persistent this link to the Italian covid vaccination dashboard will be.

You can see how many doses each region has received and how many they've managed to administer; you can also who got it, in terms of age ranges or category.

What I can't immediately see is if there's anyway to download the data.
45,667 doses given as of the end of yesterday which is a bit less than 10% of what's been delivered.

I know it was a holiday but 10,000 a day is a bit sh.t.* Lombardy has still only given 2.7% of the doses it received;** Lazio has managed to administer 20.3% and our neighbouring regions in the north are at 15-16%.

* - if the whole nation has ordered nearly half a million doses a week then it needs to step this up by an order of magnitude.

** - Lombardy has received 80,595 doses and given 2,171 which I think is the number I remember from when I checked yesterday morning i.e. they didn't give any on new year's day. If they can't be arsed to work on weekends and holidays they'd need reach a regime of >16,000 per week day or else I can imagine the government deciding to divide future deliveries up in a different way.

I mean, another delivery is due at the beginning of next week, but Lombardy's number won't go up because it's new year's day and then it's the weekend and then it's nearly "Befana" and there's no point just doing one or two days I wanna go to the mountains so yeah let's get properly started on the 11th...
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:25 pm

Ok so I was being unfair, Italy managed to give a first dose to a whole 839 people today, of which 245 in Lombardy!
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Jan 02, 2021 8:09 pm

And I was being even more unfair because obviously all the data hadn't come in; the total as of just over an hour ago is 52,037, so 6,370 done today. But Lombardy's sh.t number (only having given 3% of the doses they received) still stands.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:31 am

shpalman wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:57 am
I mean, another delivery is due at the beginning of next week, but Lombardy's number won't go up because it's new year's day and then it's the weekend and then it's nearly "Befana" and there's no point just doing one or two days I wanna go to the mountains so yeah let's get properly started on the 11th...
Yeah let's get going 10,000 doses a day... starting tomorrow...

It's like I'm going to start my new-year diet... tomorrow...

It's still an order of magnitude slower than it needs to be but hey it "might be increased to 15,000 a day". They've barely used 3% of the 80,595 doses they got last week (Lazio has used 37.9%, nationally about 18% have been used) and at this rate won't even finish them next week, and tomorrow another 88,920 are due to arrive.

I know the health service wants a Christmas holiday too (I expect this "10,000 a day" won't apply to the 6th, for example) but the harder they work now the less of a mess they'll be in by February. Especially as these first vaccines are going almost entirely to actually health-service personnel (of the 2416 vaccine doses given in Lombardy so far, only 12 have gone to care home residents).

I've heard that on the 7th they'll start vaccinating at the old hospital just up the road (currently I think they're only doing it at the big shiny new out-of-town one) and then next week they'll add a couple more sites in town.

Slightly more friendly link to the terrible Italian vaccination dashboard:
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by Brightonian » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:41 am

Takes time to include all those guitar pedals you know. ... 87072?s=19

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:54 am

Brightonian wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:41 am
Takes time to include all those guitar pedals you know. ... 87072?s=19
Yeah I don't want the Metal Zone vaccine I'll wait for the TS9.

There's a Klon vaccine but it's expensive and hard to find and not actually that much better.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:43 pm

The pharmacists here were all on a course in November so that they'd be qualified to vaccinate people against covid but it got interrupted by covid.
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