Vaccine rollout in Italy

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:00 pm

Our postdocs and PhD students are being vaccinated this week, and there's also now an app developed by one of the local universities for reporting adverse reactions.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:20 am

shpalman wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:59 pm
A whole 'nother 278,400 AstraZeneca doses were delivered today, taking the total so far to 2,752,400.

They're only 1.4 million short compared to what they'd said they'd deliver before the end of the first quarter so I look forward to all those arriving in the next two days.

(That kind of number of missing doses puts us about a week behind, but of course we'd be doing more doses per day if they were arriving).
Strange. They didn't arrive. Still I'm sure we'll catch up in the next quarter when these missing doses are added to the 22 million which are going to arrive.

(Pfizer aimed for 7.80 million doses by now and we actually have just under 7.67 million so that's not bad.)

Yesterday, and the day before, Italy managed to administer 270,000 doses.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:08 pm

Huh, a million more Pfizer doses just arrived in Italy.

Anyway, here's the next list of excuses for Lombardy assuming excuses for why the >80's aren't finished yet arrive on time by the 11th of April.

On the 12th of April, there will be start to be excuses for why the reservation system for the 75-79 hasn't worked and nobody is showing up for appointments. By the 26th of April, we'll have the excuses for why this age group isn't finished yet.

Overlapping with that, on the 15th of April there'll start to be excuses about why the 70-74 age group can't book appointments and there's optimism that they too will reach the stage of excuses for they aren't finished yet by the 12th of May.

This is all contingent on vaccine manufacturers supplying enough excuses about why they haven't met their delivery targets of course. Some new excuses are scheduled to arrive in mid April which may mean we'll be having to explain why the 70-74 group isn't finished as early as the 8th of May.

The 60-69 age group could even start complaining about the reservation system at around the 22nd of April depending on what excuses from the vaccine manufacturers are expected in June.

At least it will be the Poste Italiana's booking system which will fail, rather than the one run by the company which is wholly own by the administration of the region but behaves like a private company so that they aren't subject to the same anti-corruption and anti-nepotism rules as the public administration is (i.e. they can give jobs to their incompetent friends and relatives and to themselves when they leave office assuming they avoid going straight to prison).

But anyway, failing to be able to book appointments starts tomorrow for the 75-79 age group.

Code: Select all

Category	Target  	Capacity	Booking starts	Jabs start	Jabs end
75-79 anni	449.862  	35.340   	02 april	12 aprile	26 aprile
70-74 anni	546.312  	35.340   	15 april	27 aprile	12 may
				65.000   	15 april	27 aprile	08 may
60-69 anni	1.189.119	65.000   	22 april	13 may  	09 june
				144.000  	22 april	09 may  	18 may
50-59 anni	1.592.070	65.000   	15 may  	10 june 	16 july
				144.000  	30 april	19 may  	07 june
Under 49	4.073.278	65.000   	13 june 	17 july 	20 october
				144.000  	14 may  	08 june 	18 july
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:05 pm

Meanwhile the lateness of the AstraZeneca doses, expected last Monday but might arrive on Saturday, would have caused some regions to have to stop were it not for the use of those doses which had been seized because of deaths.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:07 am

Italy administered more than 300,000 doses yesterday. This means our rollout is accelerating to the point that we could run out of AstraZeneca doses a whole day earlier.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:13 am

Well I don't see any new AstraZeneca doses on

Something like 220,000 doses were administered on Saturday but only 90,000 yesterday.

Meanwhile a 32-year-old teacher died of a cerebral haemorrhage triggered by thrombosis ten days after having the vaccine and there's obviously no evidence of a link.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:38 pm

shpalman wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:13 am
Well I don't see any new AstraZeneca doses on
Ok, now I do. That takes our total of received AstraZeneca doses to just under 4.1 million, which was almost as many as we should have had by the end of March.

So far only 75,000 doses have been registered today; most of the day's doses probably won't show up until tomorrow morning's update.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:11 pm

Apparently while 96% of the available Pfizer doses have been given, only 54% of the -"- AstraZeneca -"- (and 50% Moderna).

This might be conditioned by the Pfizer ones being involved in the ongoing over-80's rollout rather than the which-lobby-is-shouting-loudest-for-priority rollout; also, about 33% of them only just arrived, so up until a couple of days ago that number might have been nearer 80%.

There are so few Moderna ones, and such an uncertain delivery schedule, that they might just be saving half for the second doses.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:59 am

Lombardy wants to vaccinate "workers" rather than over-70's next

Government says no.

(Nearly 260,000 vaccinations administered yesterday, so it picked up again after Easter weekend.)

(Although the radio just said that there might indeed be a rollout directly in workplaces, with the option of workers' families also being covered.)
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:04 pm

Italy now "recommends" the AstraZeneca vaccine only for the over-60's.

Still, we've only had less than 4 million doses of it delivered as compared to more than 10 million Pfizers. (I think the young-but-priority rollout of which I was part of it already done (well, first dose at least, but anyone who survived a first dose should be fine to have a second one).)

So there still wouldn't be enough Pfizer doses for the whole of its demographic.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:00 pm

Draghi has been blaming queue-jumpers for the patchy coverage of older people in the rollout, which is b.llsh.t of course.

Italy is by the way aiming at a general reopening on the 2nd of June. Tourism in particular. Well, vaccinated tourists anyway. They might end up with more freedom to travel around Italy than Italians will have by then.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by bolo » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:46 pm

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:26 pm

Paywalled, but yeah, we did all the health workers and then anyone who worked in a health service even if they had nothing to do with patients (e.g. hospital admin staff) and a few local politicians of course and, eventually, care home residents (and workers) and then when the AstraZeneca wasn't recommended for older people we gave that to police and military and teachers (which seems to have also included everyone who works in a university all the way down to PhD students) but now it's only recommended for older people.

And as I said in some other thread I think our latest wave started just that little bit too early while the over-80's vaccination rollout started just that little bit too late. Shockingly late especially in Lombardy, where things have just about always been worse (we're currently at ~60% ICU occupancy). I mean, they've only really finished with the over-80's today. It's f.cking April for's sake. indicates the numbers in the various demographics and categories (although, not what the total numbers in those categories would be) and includes some vague things like "other: 2.3 million".

I'd maybe need to wait until the end of next week to be sure that it's not an effect of Easter screwing with the swabbing and reporting, but I think cases (which had already peaked) have started dropping sharply while deaths are just about over the peak.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by Lydia Gwilt » Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:32 am

In this region at least, some of the early "unneccessary" vaccinations were to use up the doses once the vials were thawed, - a lot of people were twitchy about the Pfizer and were waiting to see if other people keeled over or grew a second head or whatever. So the vaccinators tended to contact the next person who was on the list and willing to get to the vaccination station at unsocial hours and short notice. The people who refused initially are now complaining that this was unfair.

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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Apr 09, 2021 9:21 am

Googling the headline works. And it's a really good article.
Italy, the second-grayest country on earth...
That's one of those things where it might be true but when you look at the actual difference with other European countries, it's not that much. (Data from here.)
demo.png (45.31 KiB) Viewed 4118 times ... ni-italia/ is a really good link though, I'll be saving that one.

Still, 320,000 doses were given yesterday so I hope things are getting into gear.

“I can tell you they’ve been vaccinating the wrong people because they vaccinated me, as well.”

Yep. For example, my boss got the vaccine just a few days after I did while his mum only got it a day or two ago. University lectures are of course entirely remote at the moment and I'm not sure if they'll go back to limited face-to-face before the end of term in June.
For several weeks, Italy was giving shots to middle-aged workers because it had little other choice. The national drug regulator had advised that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine be used only for those 55 and younger. But officials say even after that guidance was lifted — with AstraZeneca approved for the entire population — regions were slow to adjust their strategies.
This is true - they set up the rollout to university professors and then when AstraZeneca was approved for the entire population they just gave it to the older and "contract" (retired but still teaching) professors too. And anyone who turned up but wasn't considered eligible for it (due to health or age) got fast-tracked for Pfizer, way ahead of where they would have been in the age-related rollout, but then it doesn't make sense either to make someone wait for a "better" vaccine because they're too at-risk to take the AstraZeneca one now, but then most of us (like I said, everyone down to PhD student has been vaccinated) have almost no risk at all and only have contact within the lab with a few masters' students.

But then there is a bit of a right-wing streak running through Italian politics, behind comments such as Moratti saying the vaccines should be delivered to regions based on their productivity rather than their population (I mean, Lombardy is anyway the most populous region and still lags in terms of proportion of doses administered) or that who cares about old people, they don't keep the economy going.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:57 pm

Italy has registered 718 deaths today. A lot of these (258) would be data which hadn't been coming in from Sicily over the past week, but still the 7-day average was 430.

Despite the high ICU occupancy the national monitoring team has decided that Lombardy (amongst others) can go back to Orange rules on Monday.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:11 pm

The news points out that only ~8% "others" have been vaccinated in Lombardy but in the southern regions it's more like 30%.

Some regions are vaccinating not the the vulnerable, or even the vulnerable person and their care giver, but the entire household of a vulnerable person, for example.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:34 am

450,000 doses yesterday.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:12 am

shpalman wrote:
Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:57 pm
Italy has registered 718 deaths today. A lot of these (258) would be data which hadn't been coming in from Sicily over the past week, but still the 7-day average was 430.

Despite the high ICU occupancy the national monitoring team has decided that Lombardy (amongst others) can go back to Orange rules on Monday.
Meanwhile Sardinia, which was a White zone (almost everything open as normal), is now going to be a Red zone because cases went up a lot shocked I tell you.

Anyway someone on our university professors mailing list posted this analysis of the past year in Milan (it's from page 6 of the ATS Milano report:
bmpbndoelalkomcf.jpg (301.73 KiB) Viewed 4061 times
The black line is R, on the left y-axis, while the red line is daily cases.

You can see how "rientro delle vacanze" (returning from holidays) didn't really do much but "riapertura scuole" (reopening the schools) happened just before the second wave happened. You can also see how we've basically been trying to maintain R as close to 1 as possible since then, although the various recent changes of zone aren't labelled.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:03 pm

Thanks to whatever today's rules on the AstraZeneca vaccine are, Italy has basically decided to stop mucking about with "priority groups"* and get on with its age-based program. Which is why islands should have priority because tourism as long as they're the small ones not the big ones.

TouriStS ALsO COmE To my TOwN!

I mean, if everybody keeps asking for priority, nobody ends up having it, and people keep dying.

* - i.e. no more priority for teachers/policemen/military etc. although anyone who already got their first dose should still turn up to get the second one.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:42 pm

To compare with the comparison between Spain and the UK, Italy did 1.95 million (3.24 doses per 100 of the population) in the week ending yesterday.

We're at 15.23% of the population first-dosed, and 6.56% second dosed, as of today's 4pm update.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:44 pm

Conflicting numbers in Lombardy: either 15% and rising are asking to get a vaccine other than AstraZeneca, or less than 5%.

(For example, at Niguarda today [where I had mine] only one person out of 500 decided not to get the vaccine. But in other hubs, there were people just not showing up.)

There are still long enough queues though, still plenty of people willing to get vaccinated. Nearly 300,000 were done yesterday in Italy, we'll see tomorrow morning if today's number is significantly different.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:43 pm

shpalman wrote:
Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:44 pm
Conflicting numbers in Lombardy: either 15% and rising are asking to get a vaccine other than AstraZeneca, or less than 5%.

(For example, at Niguarda today [where I had mine] only one person out of 500 decided not to get the vaccine. But in other hubs, there were people just not showing up.)

There are still long enough queues though, still plenty of people willing to get vaccinated. Nearly 300,000 were done yesterday in Italy, we'll see tomorrow morning if today's number is significantly different.
It's 340,000, so not less (although the highest daily number was about 450,000 on the 9th of April). I'm not looking at the .csv files to see which vaccines are being administered, but I know we haven't had any new AstraZenecas for the past ten days (for a total of about 4 million and some of these have been set aside to give the second dose to people like me) while 1.5 million Pfizers arrived the other day (for a total of nearly 12 million), so...
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by shpalman » Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:04 pm

I'm not sure what's happening (and still can't be bothered to sift through all the .csv files) but the total delivered AstraZeneca Vaxzevria doses has actually been decreasing.

4098800 on the 5th of April dropped to 3988600 two days later and while it went up to 3995700 on the 11th it has now dropped to 3986300.

Might just be issues in noting which deliveries are Pfizer and which are AstraZeneca.
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Re: Vaccine rollout in Italy

Post by sTeamTraen » Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:06 am

shpalman wrote:
Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:04 pm
I'm not sure what's happening (and still can't be bothered to sift through all the .csv files) but the total delivered AstraZeneca Vaxzevria doses has actually been decreasing.

4098800 on the 5th of April dropped to 3988600 two days later and while it went up to 3995700 on the 11th it has now dropped to 3986300.

Might just be issues in noting which deliveries are Pfizer and which are AstraZeneca.
Spain's numbers of vaccines delivered all went up by a couple of thousand doses per type (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ) in the last couple of days. I think a couple of regions found a few boxes when cleaning the truck or summat.
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